Welcome to Sex, Death, Power, a space where timeless questions meet the challenges of a new era. In a world dominated by fast answers and fleeting trends, we’re here to slow down, dig deeper, and revive the lost art of philosophical dialogue.

This is more than a website—it’s an invitation. An invitation to explore the forces that shape our lives: Sex, the essence of connection and creation; Death, the inevitable transformation we all face; and Power, the invisible current running through our relationships, institutions, and beliefs.

In 2025, amidst shifting politics, technological revolutions, and cultural upheaval, the need to question, challenge, and redefine our understanding of these forces has never been greater. Inspired by thinkers like Sylvia Wynter, Michel Foucault, Angela Davis, and Frantz Fanon, and many others — Sex, Death, Power bridges the gap between philosophy and the lived experiences of today.

Here, we ask the questions no one else will:

  • How do power structures shape our freedoms in an era of surveillance and censorship?
  • What can sex and mortality teach us about the meaning of life—and how we live it?
  • Where do resistance and empowerment begin in a world driven by invisible rules?

Through essays, discussions, and a community of curious minds, we’re reigniting the conversations that matter. Whether you’re a seasoned philosopher or a seeker of new perspectives, Sex, Death, Power is your space to connect, reflect, and transform.

Let’s challenge the status quo, one question at a time. Are you ready to join the conversation?